We do not discriminate against any Members/Guests based on Race, Religion, Gender, Age, Sexual Preference, or disability.
Members/Guests must behave with kindness at all times.
Members/Guests must follow all stated Members/Guestship rules, as posted on the premises.
Members/Guests found abusing the property, the staff, other patrons, or who engage in behavior that damages the reputation of the club, will lose their Members/Guestship, without reimbursement, and be banned from the premises.
Members/Guests are not allowed, at any time, in areas marked for staff only.
All Members/Guests attending The White Rabbit are required to “dress to impress”, which means no t-shirts, ripped jeans, sneakers etc.. Management reserves the right to deny entry to those not dressed appropriately.
Any person seeking Members/Guestship who has already been banned from other downtown businesses will not be permitted to join our club.
Any tabs not closed out at the end of the night will be closed and 20% gratuity will be added.
Space use:
Members/Guests may use the club during operating hours.
All Members/Guests entering the Cocktail Parlour must be 21 years of age to enter.
Members/Guests may bring children under 21 years old into the Arcade until 7PM. Those children must be supervised by an adult member at all times.
If Members/Guests' children are found to be unsupervised, and/or abusing the games, they will not be permitted back.
Each individual member may bring up to 3 guests per visit. Couple Members/Guests may bring 2 guests per visit.
Reservations are required in the Cocktail Parlour from 6-9pm.
All Cocktail Parlour Members/Guests must adhere to the 2 hour time limit unless otherwise indicated by staff.
Members/Guests may rent the private party room for a fee, which is based on the size of the party and the party package chosen.
The full premises are available to rent for a fee, depending on the selected party package.
Day pass memberships are available for a fee of $5 a day per person.